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Bidding DirectoryListing Details
ID: | 34300 | |
Title: | World Congress on Nursing and Healthcare | |
URL: | https://scientificfederation.com/nursing-2020/ | |
Category: | Business: Event Speakers | |
Description: | 9th World Congress on Nursing and Healthcare held in Philadelphia, USA during 20th and 21st February 2020 with the theme"Extension of Clinical Practices and Significant Need of Nursing Care". World Congress on Nursing and Healthcare provides you an amazing chance to listen to vary of Healthcare topics across the industry. It's an intimate platform to have interaction along with your peers, hear concerning new trends and innovation and interact with vendors from startups up to established within the same domain. This is often the place to grasp to know about the newest and greatest that's happening around the world to make healthcare better. Official Website: https://scientificfederation.com/nursing-2020/ Abstract Submission: https://www.scientificfederation.com/nursing-2020/abstract-submission.php Registration: https://www.scientificfederation.com/nursing-2020/registration.php For more info Contact: Phone: +91 970-335-3270 email: nursing-2020@scientificfederation.com | |
Meta Keywords: | 9th World Congress on Nursing and Healthcare,nursing-2020,top nursing conferences, conference, pediatrics conferences, oncology nurse, nursing events, | |
Meta Description: | 9th World Congress on Nursing and Healthcare held in Philadelphia, USA during 20th and 21st February 2020 with the theme"Extension of Clinical Practices and Significant Need of Nursing Care | |
Link Owner: | Sanhitha Sree | |
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